Data structures


Each cronjob contains these members:

Name Type Description
id integer ID
group integer Group ID, null means "None"
expression string Cron expression (crontab syntax e.g. 0 12 * * 1-5 or English description e.g. 1 day; 65 minutes; 1 min 30 sec)
timezone string Time zone
timeout int The timeout limit. Max time that FastCron will wait for your script output.
instances integer Max overlapping cronjob executions:
  • 0: unlimited (allows overlapping executions)
  • 1: single (no overlapping executions)
  • 2 - 5: 2 - 5 overlapping executions
url string URL to call
httpMethod string The HTTP Method to send HTTP requests to your URL.
httpHeaders string Plain HTTP headers to send to your cronjob URL. Use new lines as delimiters, e.g.
X-API-Key: 123ABC456XYZ
Header2: test-value
postData string The data to POST to your URL
fail integer Number of consecutive failures
status integer Status code, 0 means "active"
name string Name of cronjob
notify bool Notify when cronjob fails
notifyEvery int Number of consecutive failures between each notification
points integer Points, number of executions per day

Status codes

Here's the list of cronjob status codes:

Value Name Description
0 STATUS_ACTIVE Cronjob is active and running
1 STATUS_DISABLED Disabled by user
2 STATUS_EXPIRED Disabled due to account expired
3 STATUS_INACTIVE Disabled because of account daily execution limit
4 STATUS_FAILED Disabled due to many consecutive failures

Cron execution result

Each cron execution results contains these members:

Name Type Description
result array An array contains multiple values, see below.

result contains these members:

Name Type Description
url string The actual URL that our servers sent HTTP requests to.
output string Your cronjob output, including HTTP headers and body. Only first 4 KB and last 4 KB, the remaining is truncated.
downloaded integer Total output size (in bytes).
httpStatus integer HTTP status code e.g. 200
error string Error message, if any.
message string System message, if any
ip string Destination IP.
source_ip string IP address of the server that process your cronjob.
time integer Unix timestamp of scheduled time.
startTime decimal Unix timestamp of starting time with milliseconds.
executionTime decimal Total execution time, in seconds.
status integer Execution status, 0 means "success"


Each group contains these members:

Name Type Description
id integer ID
name string Name
autoDelete integer Automatically delete stopped (one-time) cronjobs. 0 for never; 1, 3, 7, 15, 30 for days.


Your account contains these members:

Name Type Description
id integer Account ID
name string Account name
timezone string Default timezone
plan string Plan name e.g. Team
dailyExec integer Daily execution limit e.g. 20000
memberLimit integer Team member limit e.g. 5
expiryDate string Account expiry date e.g. 2023-12-31